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April 13, 2017

Granada - Day #6

Life is relaxed in Granada. Dani and Charles often go down for coffee first thing in the morning. I haven't yet joined them since I'm either up earlier than Dani and have had some tea and toast, or later and not ready to go anywhere. It has been beautifully sunny and Charles and Nico spent some of today cleaning the patio in time for friends coming over for Easter dinner. Nico is excited because his friend, Gabby, will be home today. Now that Caden has left, he has been a bit bored.

Dani and I took a walk up to San Miguel de Bajo, the plaza and church where she picks up her CSA box filled with veggies. We had a drink at an open air restaurant and she introduced me to Maria, the owner. Maria then proceeded to bring us a complimentary tapa of rice, clams, and artichokes. We watched several young people getting a ramp ready for the statue to exit the church on the backs of about 40 men for the procession on Thursday. Each church has its own statue in various processions throughout the week. Dani took me by the Monasterio Santa Isabel la Real which has that usual combination of Muslim and Christian influence in the architecture. It is now inhabited by nuns who are cloistered but, remaining unseen, they sell baked goods and received pay via a lazy Susan to bring in funds for the church.

Dani and Charles have several jobs going so they find time to work during the day. I'm not ready to tackle the labyrinth of streets around the Albaycin on my own, but I'm content to read and relax. Each evening we try to do something, but tonight was quiet. We watched an episode of Blue Planet and then I stayed with Nico while Dani and Charles went down to some festivities. Charles left again later, and was out until all hours after midnight following a packed procession back to the church where it originated.

We will be going to more processions tomorrow.

Posted by Marilyn at April 13, 2017 6:29 AM


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