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April 16, 2017

Granada - Dia Nueve (Sábado)

Lazy day. Dani and Charles did some food shopping for mañana, Lots of people were walking through the Albaycin district and the lovely bells that ring on the hour began ringing around noon and kept on ringing until well after 4:00 p.m. I read and relaxed. The bedtime ritual here is to watch one of the Blue Planet series before Nico goes upstairs to his room. I went to bed after that and fell immediately to sleep. I guess Nico and I are the only ones who could sleep. The bells began another long stretch and rang in the Easter Day. At the same time, they were accompanied by a very loud party across the way. Of course, everything is so close, who knew where the party was -- but the sound reverberated and kept most folks awake.

The drama of the day was a mountain bike accident by Dani and Charles's friend, Jason, who had been with us the night before. He fell on a trail above the Alhambra and broke his tibia and messed up his ankle. He had to wait until someone came down the trail and then another long wait in the heat for enough people to carry him down to the public hospital. After his wife joined him, they soon saw that he would have to wait hours, called an expat doctor friend, who directed him to another private hospital where he got more immediate care. He came home to wait for Monday when he is scheduled to have surgery. All this would sound doable except for the fact that there is no way of reaching his home in the Albaycin without going up many, dozen stairs. And, they live in a four story house close to Dani and Charles.

Tomorrow is Easter and we are planning to go to mass. Everyone who lives here is anxious for the week to be over and Granada to get back to the lazy, quiet, existence as thousands of visitors leave to go home.

Posted by Marilyn at April 16, 2017 3:46 AM


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