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July 17, 2015

Computer Problems!

I have had trouble getting into this blog. Also, I found that others had similar problems. At one time you had to go to marilynmcclellan.com/blog - but my son, Martin, changed it just to marilynmcclellan.com. I had trouble with this for a short while, but it seems to be working now. Maybe I was entering it in wrong because I kept getting a whole list of things to click on.

Martin had to cut out the comments section quite awhile ago because I was getting 40 or 50 spam a day. Since he cut it out, the spam have vanished. We may try to put it in again. Of course, you could always email me at marilyn@donel.net.

Sorry to have so many problems. I might have had a virus. Martin has been generous in housing the blog on his own computer.

Thanks for your patience.

Posted by Marilyn at July 17, 2015 10:42 AM


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